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22 March 2022

Discovering how to be a happy mum

You are the best mum for your children. However many mistakes you make; however often you mess up, you’ve got great talents as a mum. The secret is to discover them. “Be a happy mum”, a series of five talks run at Hillcrest Family Centre in Purely, helped over 25 local young mums to discover the hidden value of their role as mothers.

Much of what mothers do can seem mundane and repetitive, but is actually very meaningful, because this seemingly dull work is supporting the needs of the family and allows each one to thrive and flourish fully. This was a key message from the first talk. Mums were challenged to think of their family as a table which is supported by four legs or pillars. Which pillars support your family? Faith? Marriage? Respect? Teamwork? Whatever the pillars are, that’s where you focus your energy.

“Mess up and make mistakes”, another theme in the talks, is something every mother does.  The advice here was to recognise that you, like everyone else, are flawed. To move forward start saying you’re sorry and have realistic expectations of your children. And avoid comparing yourself with others and trying to compete; that won’t get you anywhere.

Embrace your role as a mother! God uses mothers to change the world!  These were some of the inspirational messages from the talk “Accept your imperfect kids”.  Mums need to get to know temperament of each of their children; to understand their natural strengths and weaknesses and help them to grow in virtue.  This is how mums truly help their children to blossom.

Being a happy mum isn’t all about the children. It’s also about you. “Take care of yourself” urged mums to make a conscious and deliberate choice to do something for their own wellbeing.   This can be easier said than done when you are in the thick of caring for a growing family. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. When you are stressed and anxious you don’t look after your family well. Top tips for mums in this talk included getting enough sleep, keeping romance alive with their husband and making supportive friendships. 

“Long term goals” got mums thinking about getting the right focus in their lives. Always  remember that your primary vocation is as a wife and mother. So your goals must be realistic.  If you set a goal to run a marathon but your children are struggling and you don't have the time and energy to attend to them, for instance, that is a misplaced goal and everyone will suffer. 

Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. But it’s the most important one. In an age when motherhood is portrayed as a burden and a hardship, the witness of happy mums enjoying their children and their lives is priceless.

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