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15 May 2023

UNIV 2023: North West Europe goes to Rome

UNIV 2023 was a landmark event for young women in the new North West Europe region of Opus Dei. This year students from the newly formed region went as a group to spend Holy Week in Rome as part of the annual UNIV conference, started by St Josemaria in 1968. With students from the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK, this was a special time of fraternity and unity.

Palm Sunday saw the group in St Peter’s Square, with some at the front very close to Pope Francis. Just out of hospital the day before, the Holy Father looked unwell, but there he was: a loving shepherd with his flock.

That evening the girls from North West Europe went to a get together with the Prelate of Opus Dei. In an atmosphere of joy and excitement, young people from across the globe asked the Prelate questions, told him stories and two girls from Los Angeles sang him a song.

Martha (19), who is planning to go to university in the UK next year, said: “It was such a privilege to experience first-hand the Father's love for each one of us; I was exceedingly lucky to receive advice from him in response to my question at our get together.”

The Prelate’s take-home message to the gathering was to make an offering of themselves to God, to give themselves to others, and that to be happy, they need “un amor que valga la pena”; a truly worthwhile love.

Alejandra (20) came to UNIV with a group from Ashwell House. She is in the last year of her undergraduate degree in International Relations with Economics. For her it was “very special” to hear the “many testimonies of young girls during the meeting with the Father and realising how the love of God keeps transforming people’s hearts today”.

Happiness is a paradox, explained Professor Arthur Brooks from Harvard University, in a lecture during the UNIV Conference. A central event of the Christian faith, Christ on the cross, is one of great suffering. And yet from this a religion of great joy was founded. This message was echoed by Pope Francis during an audience with the UNIV delegates. Hope is seen in the crucifix, even though it seems to be the end of everything. Christ crucified turns sorrow into love by loving and forgiving those who hurt Him.

Who can visit Rome without being bowled over by the works of art? Standing in front of Michelangelo’s Pieta, the girls were struck by its beauty which reproductions cannot convey. There is Mary cradling the crucified Jesus as she had cradled Him as a newborn baby.

“Lumen Christi”, the invocation which heralds the resurrection, rang out in the darkened St Peter’s as the procession headed by the lighted Paschal Candle made its way up the aisle. This is an experience the young women will never forget.   As Easter Sunday dawned, it was back to St Peter’s Square to receive the Urbi et Orbi blessing from the Pope. Then off to the airport, where the North West Europe group said their goodbyes. Deirdre from Ireland said: “It was so nice to be with all the other groups from North West Europe. It gave a sense of unity that we were all together celebrating Easter in Rome. A great way to share experiences together.”

As each one departed to her own corner of the region, the miles which seem to separate them have been replaced with even stronger ties of love and friendship.

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